Saturday, December 26, 2009


Erm..bahaya ni lama2 duk KG..
makin b`tmbah berat badan oooo..
asyik makan je N tak Henti2
what should i do???
t`fikir mau diet tapi nanti tidak b`jaya bah
tidak tahu berapa kg dah berat bdn sa ni../

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Sakit Hati

what if somebody that you never talking with,
and you never know about her life
and she never know about you
but talking about your personal matter..
that only words that come out from my mouth..
and that the only words that i can say..
she one of the busybody people that i ever meet
in this world..
she never appreciate her friends and keep
talking about her friends too..
But i know that someday she will face the same thing
like she done to me and her friends
and that day she will cry..cry..and cries
and she will realize what had she done to other
the important thing is..
never ever talking to much about people...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

just read

i miss my hometown
miss my family..
miss life there..
miss to makan mee hun soup that my mother made
its very sedap you know..
miss to eat cili padi with ikan masin and mango
wah sedapnya..
makan nasi gan air suam...
ish..ish..what a great...
i miss all that things...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Habis Sudah..

DEMAM EXAM dah habis..
sekarang boleh tido puas2..
boleh bersuka ria..
tapi still cuak coz kena tunggu result kuar lak

time ni kena fikir macam mana gan tiket kapal
yang tidak sampai2 lagi 2,
teruknya..what should i do..
dorang tidak call pun to tell me perkembangan baru
saya pun tidak tahu
yang saya dapat atau tidak cz nobody call
me to inform anthing...

should i call them or just wait for their call
dot no lah...

Friday, December 4, 2009


I have to more paper
AFA 11 and AMA..
i really hope that i will score more
for this paper...

and to all my classmate..
study smart..good luck and
do your best....


today was my third paper
and memang agak susah juga lah
it make me macam mau nagis jak..
oh my...i do not what to do..
i`am not in mood...

pas tu time not in mood ni lah
semua orang sibuk call2
tanlya tu tanya ni..
tolong lah faham keadaan orang lain..

saya pun banyak benda lagi yang mau di fikir ni
kalau mau peduli pasal saya
wat lah cara macam mau amik pedulikan
no need to call me when talk about MONEY..
it will make me crazy..

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